Russia holding. The Russia-Ukraine war continues even after a year. According to a media report- Now America has started talks with Russia under backdoor diplomacy to end this war. These secret talks started in April and are still going on. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is participating in this backdoor conversation on behalf of Russia. US intelligence chief talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

On the other hand, another media report claims that on June 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin fled and hid in one of his favorite locations after seeing Wagner’s private army marching towards Moscow.
Lavrov’s conversation with former senior US diplomats
According to American media house NBC – America started high level back channel diplomacy in April to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. In the diplomatic world it is also called Track 2 Diplomacy. Putin’s close foreign minister Lavrov had brought Tasharif to New York for the talks and held talks with former senior US diplomats.
The name of the former diplomat who negotiated on behalf of America is Richard Haas. He is the President of the Council on Foreign Relations. However, he is going to leave this post soon. Apart from these, European affairs expert Charles Kupchan and Russia affairs expert Thomas Graham were also part of the conversation. Both have retired from the White House and the Foreign Ministry. According to a report – the talks are still going on.
where is the case pending
According to the report- Some tricky matters were discussed in the meeting held in April. For example, what will happen to the parts of Ukraine which Russia has occupied? Will they be declared free zones? Will the two countries hand over the prisoners of war to each other? Can Putin and Zelensky hold direct talks in this matter and reach a conclusion?
One thing is surprising in this report. According to this – the Biden Administration is aware of this secret diplomacy, but it has no hand in starting it. Yes, it is definitely that the negotiating former diplomats have given detailed information about this to the National Security Council of the White House.
It is being said that there were some special people of Russia along with Lavrov. These included big think tanks and selected former diplomats. These are the people who also advise President Putin on foreign relations. However, their names were not mentioned in the report.